
Philippine Standard Time:

National advisory committee (nac) RESOLUTIONs

Old NAC Resolutions

Reso #
SeriesTitleDate Signed
120104Ps Implementation Policies24 February 201
22010Sanctions for Various Cases Filed Under the Grievance and Redress System (GRS)31 August 2010
320104Ps Additional Policy on Updating Basic Information of Household Beneficiaries8 September 2010
42011Inclusion of the National commission on Indigenous People and the Philippine Commision on Women to the Regular Membership of the NAC and Commission on Population as a Special Member of the NAC18 April 2011
52011Amendment to NAC Reso No. 415 August 2011
62012Adoption of the Modified Conditional Cash Transfer under the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program 29 May 2012
72012Updating of Pregnancy Status of Pantawid Pamilya Beneficiaries under Beneficiary Update System (BUS)29 May 2012
82012Inclusion of the Department of Labor and Employment to the Regular Membership of the National Advisory Committee18 January 2012
92012Transition Plan for the First Batch of Household Beneficiaries Expected to Complete the Five-Year Program by 201326 September 2012
102012Amendments to NAC Resolution No. 2 (Sanctions for Various Cases Filed Under the Grievance and Redress System)26 September 2012
112012Revocation of the Application of Eligibility Check Routine (ECR-2) on Pantawid Pamilya Beneficiaries12 December 2012
122013Contiued Support for Children Beneficiaries of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program to Finish High School10 July 2013
132013Handling of Compliance Verification in cases of State of Calamity, Disaster, Complexity and other Exceptional Cases10 July 2013
142013Inclusion of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the Advisory Commitees at the Regional, Provincial and City/Municipal Level4 December 2013
152013Procedural Guidelines on Handling Election-related Grievances16 September 2013
162014Provision of Conditional Cash Grants to Additional 20,000 Target Households under Set 7N.D.
172014Adoption of the Modified Conditional Cash Transfer under the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipoino Program to include responding to the situation of Indigenous Peoples in Geograhically Isolated and Disavantaged areas26 February 2014
182014Continued Provision of Health Grant for Pantawid Pamilya Beneficiaries Having more than 5 years of Tenure in the Program25 April 2014
192014Additional Guidelines on the Implementation of the Modified Conditional Cash Transfer for Homeless Street Families28 May 2014
202014Procedural Guidelines on MIsdemeanour Cases with Amendment to the Approved Policy on Misbehaviour of Beneficiaries as stipulated in NAC Resolution 2 and 1026 August 2014
212014A Resolution Amending NAC Resolution No. 16 Series of 2014 otherwise known as "Provision of Conditonal Cash Grants to Additional 20,000 Targe Households under Set 7"23 October 2014
222014A Resolution Amending NAC Resolution No. 3 Series of 2010 known as "4Ps Additional Policy on Updating Basic Information of Household Beneficiaries"23 October 2014
232014Mandatory Attendance of Couples to Specific Sessions in Modules 2.1 and 2.2 of the Family Development Sessions26 November 2014
242015A Resolution in Bringing Pantawid Pamilya Chiildren Back to School29 May 2015
252015Data Sharing Among National Advisory Committee Agency Members20 May 2015
262015Handling of Compliance Verification in cases of State of Calamity, Disater, Complexity and other Exceptional Cases20 May 2015
272015Implementation of Family-Based Conditional Cash Transfer24 June 2015
282015Inter-Agency Collaboration on Strengthening the Family Development Sessions26 August 2015
292015Ensuring the Adoption of the Enhanced Indigenous Peoples Participation Framework (IPPF) for the Implementation of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program29 October 2015
302016Approving Amendments to NAC Resolution 13 on Handling of Compliance Verification in cases of State of Calamity, Disaster, Complexity and other Exceptional Cases24 February 2016
312016Amending the Program Duration and Conditionalities of the Beneficiaries in the Modified Conditional Cash Transfer (MCCT) Program24 February 2016
322016Increase in the Amount of Cash Grants22 June 2016
332016Continued Support for Returning Learners to Finish High School under K012 Program22 June 2016
342016The Youth Development Sessions of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program22 June 2016
352016A Resolution on Inclusion of the Tahderiyyah Program as an Educational Facility for Preschool Children in the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program22 June 2016
362016Rice Subsidy for Pantawid Pamilya Beneficiaries24 November 2016
372016Benefits Package for Transitioning Beneficiary Households of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program24 November 2016
382016Enjoining Pantawid Partner Beneficiaries to Engage in Backyard/Communal/Container Gardening24 November 2016
392017Strengthening and Expanding the Implementation of Support Services Intervention (SSI) of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program21 November 2017
402017Additional Reasons For Replacement of Monitored Children Within Pantawid Pamilya Household To Maximize The Three Children-Limit21 November 2017
412017Policy on the Retur of Cash Grants to the Bureau of Treasury21 November 2017
422018Amendment to NAC Resolution 1 on the Deworming Age Coverage of Pantawid Children Beneficiaries30 August 2018
432018Pantawid Pamilya Household Replacement Policy to Reach the Annual Household Coverage13 December 2018

New NAC Resolutions

Reso #
SeriesTitleDate Signed
12020Regularity of Release and Amount of Conditional Cash Treansfer to Beneficiaries of Pantawid Pmailyang Pilipino ProgramN.D.
22020Continuity of the Cash Grants Provision to the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program Beneficiaries during the State of Calamity due to the Covid19 PandemicN.D.
32020Conditons for Entitlement to Cash Grants of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program Beneficiaries During the Covid-19 Pandemic4 September 2020
42020Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program Grievance Resolution Standards and Indicators23 November 2020
12021A Resolution Adopting the Guidelines for the Removal of Persistently Non-Compliant Beneficiaries in the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program29 January 2021
22021Convergence for 4Ps (CAPS) Budget Reform Pursuant to Section 19, Republic Act No. 11310 or "An Act Institutionalizing the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program", otherwise known as "4Ps Act" for Fiscal Years 2022-202423 February 2021
32021A Resolution on the Selection of the Two (2) Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) as Members of the National and Regional Advisory Council29 March 2021
42021A Resolution Adopting the Criteria for the Selection, Roles, and Functions of the National and Regional Independent Monitoring Committee (IMC) Members29 March 2021
52021Amendment to NAC Resolution 4, S. 2020, Or The "4Ps Grievance Redress System Resolution Standards and Indicators" To Lift the Six-Month Prescriptive Period Under Appeals and to Clarify Further the Provisions under Implementer Issue24 December 2021
62021Retaining the Tasks of the Independent MOnitoring Committee as Specified in Section 53 of the 4Ps Implementing Rules and Regulations24 December 2021
72021Creation of Inter-Agency Committee Team for Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program and Develop Convergence and Communication Plan28 December 2021
82021Pantawid Pamilya Indigenous Peoples Framework (PPIPF)28 December 2021
92021Graduation and Exit Procedure Under the Kilos-Unlad Seven-Year Social Case Management Strategy28 December 2021
102022Guidelines on the Implementation of the Kilos-Unlad: 4Ps Social Case Management Strategy24 June 2022