The 4Ps National Program Management Office (4Ps-NPMO) is welcoming the recent move of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) to approve the conversion of 4,265 contractual positions for City/Municipal Links (C/MLs) across the Department of Social Welfare and Development’s (DSWD) Field Offices (FOs) nationwide to support the effective and efficient Program implementation.

The deployment of these C/MLs will ensure a more manageable caseload, allowing for closer monitoring and support to program beneficiaries. These contractual positions will be filled by qualified existing Contract of Service/Job Order workers currently involved in the 4Ps program implementation within the DSWD’s FOs.

This decision follows consultations held between DSWD and DBM earlier this year. While the initial proposal requested a larger number of positions, the approved 4,265 positions reflect a prioritized approach.

The creation of these C/ML positions aligns with the national policy established under Republic Act No. 11310, which institutionalized the 4Ps program as a cornerstone for poverty alleviation and human capital investment. This move signifies the government’s continued commitment to supporting Filipino families through conditional cash transfers that incentivize investments in health, nutrition, and education.

The approved positions also build upon a previous initiative where the DBM converted over 12,000 contract of service (COS) and job order (JO) positions involved in 4Ps implementation into more secure contractual items. This not only strengthens program stability but also ensures proper compensation for DSWD personnel dedicated to the Program’s success.

The approval of these C/ML positions marks a significant step towards a more efficient and effective 4Ps program. By bolstering manpower and ensuring a more manageable caseload, the initiative promises to reach Filipino families in a more streamlined and impactful manner.