
Philippine Standard Time:

Republic Act No. 11310
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program Act

The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps), Implemented by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), is the national poverty reduction strategy of the government as stated under the Republic Act No. 11310 or “An Act institutionalizing Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps)”  which was signed on April 17, 2019.

Patterned after the conditional cash transfer scheme implemented in other developing countries, 4Ps provides cash grants to beneficiaries provided that they comply  with the set of conditions required by the program.

Eligible Beneficiaries

To be eligible for cash grants, poor and near-poor or families must be willing to comply the conditions and meet any of the following criteria:

1   0-18 years old.
2   Pregnant at the time of enumeration

Farmers, fisherfolks, homeless families, indigenous peoples, informal settlers and those in geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas are automatically included in the standard targeting system in the DSWD but will still have to meet the criteria to be eligible for cash grants.

Program Benefits

Subject to the compliance with the programs conditions, a household is entitled to receive the following grants:



Since its inception, 4Ps has already served 6,518,584 poor households nationwide.


Active Household Beneficiaries found in Listahanan 3











*Data as of 30 April 2024


Whole-of-Government Approach

Within the framework of a national poverty alleviation strategy and a holistic social protection program, the various agencies of government implementing multi-stakeholder programs and services for the poor shall guarantee that the same complement and converge seamlessly with the aim of ensuring that the targeted household-beneficiaries are alleviated from poverty and remain non-poor even after the prescribed maximum period for the conditional cash grant. 

Advisory Council Member Agencies